Golden Retrievers
We have been breeding and showing Golden Retrievers for the last 30 years and have bred several Best in Show dogs and have ranked in the top 1-5 in Canada multiple times over the years which has made Allsgold Kennels well known throughout the dog world.
Being an animal lover of dogs and horses all our lives it was only natural that we became attracted to the beautiful, smart, and forever loyal Golden Retriever. The Golden Retriever provides everything you would ever want in a dog.
We acquired our first Golden (Tara) about 30 years ago. She quickly led us into the life of these wonderful dogs from obedience to showing and our first litter of puppies.
We were very fortunate to have started out with some great dogs that excelled in the show rings both in Canada and the United States winning many Championships and Best in Shows. These dogs started a great lineage of winning dogs but also beautiful dogs with wonderful temperaments making them a very popular family pet.
Irish Setters
Embarking on an exciting new chapter, we have found ourselves captivated by the world of Irish Setters and have made the decision to delve into the fulfilling journey of breeding these magnificent dogs.
As we step into the realm of Irish Setter breeding, we approach this endeavor with a profound sense of responsibility and dedication. Recognizing the importance of producing healthy, well-tempered puppies, we are committed to adhering to the highest standards of ethical breeding practices. Our goal is to raise Irish Setter puppies that are not only visually striking but also possess the endearing and characteristic temperament that has made them cherished companions for generations. Early socialization, proper care, and abundant love will be at the forefront of their upbringing, setting a strong foundation for their future endeavors.
The Boys:
The Girls:
As a responsible breeder, the health, happiness and well-being of each of our puppies is very important. It is our policy that all puppies sold to homes as pets will be sold on a non-breed registration under a purchase agreement that requires spaying or neutering. This helps us to preserve the integrity of the breed by protecting against irresponsible breeding practices.
Potential homes should fully understand the needs of a Golden Retriever and be willing to meet these needs. This includes being able to offer a safe, loving, responsible and permanent home where the dog’s exercise, nutrition, companionship and veterinary requirements are always provided for.

All of our dogs that are bred have hip, elbow, eye, and heart clearances. We am the proud breeder of dogs that have been successful in all realms of competitive endeavours and that have also excelled in homes as beloved pets.
Our puppies are raised inside where, every day, they are introduced to all the sights and sounds of a normal household. We firmly believe this helps them easily make the transition to their new homes. When puppies are getting active and the weather permits, they are outside in my yard with numerous toys to play with. This outside time gives them more room to run and more places to explore and develop their motor skills. They are, of course, inside every night.

When purchasing a puppy from us, after you first contact us, and we are convinced you can provide an excellent home for one of our puppies, visits with the puppies can start when they are around three to four weeks old. At that visit, you can play with Mom, but I do not allow the handling of the puppies as they are too young at that point. The next visit is around 2 weeks later where you are welcome to pick them up and play with them to your heart’s content. Of course an earlier visit would be great even just to meet upcoming mom and dad. Our puppies usually then go home at 7-8 weeks old.
We send pictures of the puppies once or twice a week from birth through to when you take your puppy home. We make the decision as to which puppy goes to which home based on your home’s needs (children, parents and other animals etc.) and the puppy’s temperament. This helps ensure the right puppy goes to the right home.
We always ensure our “puppy people” are comfortable with discussing any concerns they have with us, from wanting to change their mind about buying a puppy to calling us any time, day or night, with a potential problem or question.
Each time I raise a litter, we are happy and very satisfied that through careful and conscientious breeding plans, we have brought a happy, healthy well-adjusted puppy and a loving new home together where they can enjoy and love each other for hopefully, the next 10+ years.
Interested in a New Furry Friend?
Whether you’re captivated by the elegance of Irish Setters or charmed by the warm-hearted nature of Golden Retrievers, we have the perfect furry friend for you.